Thursday, March 20, 2025

In the #News #Economy #Politics - The Fall of the Democratic Party: Implications and Consequences

“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're misinformed.”

“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform (or pause and reflect).”

― Mark Twain

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The Fall of the Democratic Party: Implications and Consequences

Recent polls indicate that the Democratic Party's popularity has hit an all-time low. For example, an NBC News poll shows that only 27% of registered voters view the party favorably, marking its lowest rating since 1990. Analysts suggest this decline may be tied to internal divisions and dissatisfaction with the party's direction.

Chuck Schumer blasted for ‘mocking Americans’ on ‘The View’

Fetterman Mocks Class Warfare (As A Democrat)

Tim Walz Comments On Tesla Stock

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The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.

Matrix Updated #Stocks #Bonds #Commodities #Bitcoin

The Matrix
The Matrix, an array that displays alignment of price & volume (trends) within the cycle of TIME, intermarket money flows, and the flow of sentiment, helps subscribers recognize the Evolution of the Trade for 44 markets. Markets include #stocks, #bonds, #forex, #Bitcoin & #Commodities.

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The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.

US #TreasuryBond Review $TLT $IEF - Fed Announces QT Taper

US Bonds Review
Short-term price fluctuations do not influence long-term trends, cycles, and profitability. The majority, guided by price trends and emotions, concentrate on short-term trading noise rather than cyclical trends of price, time, and energy. This focus creates confusion, frustration, missed chances, and typically leaves them holding the bag during trend shifts. Investors can sidestep this pattern by embracing the Evolution of the Trade and aligning with the minority.

US Treasury bond’s overall trend, revealed by trends of price, leverage, and time, are defined in The Matrix for subscribers.

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Fed Announces QT Taper

Please join the US Bonds Report and Economy & Stocks Report for further discussion. You must separate from the majority in 2025.

The Federal Reserve announced a further scaling back of its quantitative tightening (QT) program during its March 2025 meeting. The central bank decided to reduce the amount of maturing Treasury proceeds rolling off its balance sheet to $5 billion per month, down from $25 billion. However, the cap for mortgage-backed securities remains unchanged at $35 billion

The Fed last announced a QT taper in May 2024.

Click to Read, May 2024

The stock market reacted positively following the announcement in May 2024, so it stands to reason that a similar announcement in March 2025 will support the stock rally, right?

S&P 500 Daily

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The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

#Economy & #Stocks Review - The Fed's Q&A Is Always Meaningless

E&S Review
Much of today's economic data, including officially collected and produced time series, is highly unreliable. Statisticians use well-documented techniques such as geometric smoothing, seasonal adjustments, substitution, double counting, and hedonic adjustments to modify economic outcomes dating back to the 1980s. Politicians and central bankers often leverage these techniques for political gain.

Data manipulated by these statistical methods are frequently revised without clear notification to the public, especially when administrations or public policies change.

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The Fed's Q&A Is Always Meaningless

The Federal Reserve decided to keep the federal funds rate unchanged at a range of 4.25% to 4.5% during its March 2025 meeting. The Fed emphasized its commitment to achieving maximum employment and a 2% inflation target. It also highlighted increased uncertainty in the economic outlook and announced a slower pace of reducing its securities holdings starting in April.

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Mainstream and social media hang on Chairman Powell's every word, convinced he pulls all the strings, yet nearly everyone in the room is clueless about interpreting the invisible hand.

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The Matrix provides market-driven trend, cycles, and intermarket analysis.